
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Personal Training Assessment

Wow...yesterday I had a personal training assessment and found out my arm strength sucks, but she gave me plenty of exercises to keep that up....and now my arms feel like jelly and are sore haha. Will be better in the long run :) I'm hoping to get in 3 days at least of running by sunday but not looking so good as I'm down with a severe cold...grr....Everytime I plan on training I get sick, maybe its my bodys way of telling me Nooooooooo you cannot do this to me again!! HAHA. Actually when i was more active I didnt get sick as much so i'm hoping to get my butt in gear and maybe just focus on a few easy 1-2 mile runs this week, maybe with my Bella boo! (dog) :)

Monday, December 27, 2010

Can I do this?

I really hope so!! I've officially paid to run a half marathon on April 30, 2011 with my bestest friend Jody. Should be interesting is all I'm going to say. Tomorrow starts my first personal training session that I get free with my gym and I'm hoping they set me up with a good weight lifting schedule to help me get lots stronger in this running endevour. I'm impressed with myself though because last May I started running and thought I was going to die and now i actually enjoy it. Lets hope I still enjoy it after April haha.